a research output platform
Turkish Language Processing Platform (TULAP) is a platform for aggregating Turkish NLP resources developed at Boğaziçi University. It’s at the address tulap.cmpe.bogazici.edu.tr.
It is an instance of the research output platform developed by TABILAB. The platform itself is open-source and can be found here. It has two components. One is the repository, based on DSpace. The other is for the tool demos, based on a combination of 2 containers: Node (front-end) and Python (API).
I became a part of the project in Feb 2022. I have presented our demonstration paper on TULAP at EACL 2023, as a representative of TABILAB. Our demonstration video can be found here, and the poster here.

Searching for "named entity".

Demoing Named Entity Recognizer (NER).

Using NER locally.