Yasiin Bey in Istanbul

Suadiye, Istanbul, Turkey

I have learned Yasiin Bey (aka Mos Def) was in Istanbul for an event helping raise funds for the earthquake relief efforts on Instagram at noon. I wasn’t supposed to check Instagram but still, I did. As soon as my class ended at 5 PM, I have left for Suadiye. I was hopeful I could see him, one of the greatest. It was close so I went there rather quickly. I have seen him with my friend at the entrance of a clothing store where the event would take place. He was trying on some glasses. He was just the coolest. A picture below, he in red, me behind:

Here, they're going to a restaurant to eat (expensive).

I was planning to talk to him but I didn’t. I should have rapped at him, his lyrics. I should have said1:

I don’t hate players, I don’t love the game
I’m the shot clock, way above the game
To be point blank with you, motherfuck the game!
I got all this work on me, I ain’t come for play

He saw me watching him, that’s something. He smiled at my friend, that’s another something! :tada:

Some lyrics from him

New World Water2

Fools done upset the Old Man River
Made him carry slave ships and fed him dead niggas
Now his belly full and he about to flood somethin’

Fuck a bank; I need a twenty-year water tank

Used to have minerals and zinc in it
Now they say it got lead and stink in it

Americans wastin’ it on some leisure shit
Another nation be desperately seekin’ it

Said it’s all about gettin’ that cash

Cash rules everything around me [CREAM]

What can you say about this track? It’s insane, ahead of the time ⏳


My ink so hot, it burn through the journal

Streets too loud to ever hear freedom ring

It’s a numbers game, but shit don’t add up somehow

But only 15% of profits ever see my pockets
Like $69 billion in the last 20 years
Spent on national defense, but folks still live in fear

A 5 minute sentence hearing and you no longer free

Young bloods can’t spell, but they could rock you at PlayStation

You wanna know how to rhyme? You better learn how to add
It’s mathematics
“The Mighty Mos Def”

Yo, it’s 6 million ways to die from the 7 deadly thrills

When the average minimum wage is $5.15
You best believe you gotta find a new grind to get C.R.E.A.M

And end up in the global jail economy

Budget cutbacks, but increased police presence

This is bidness; no faces, just lines and statistics

The system break man, child and women into figures
2 columns for “Who is” and “Who ain’t” n**s
Numbers is hard and real and they never have feelings
But you push too hard, even numbers got limits
Why did one straw break the camel’s back?
Here’s the secret — the million other straws underneath it
It’s all mathematics
“The Mighty Mos Def”

What can you say about this man? He’s a poet.

His lyrics go on and on, and these are only from his debut album.

Mighty Yasiin Bey! :heart:

Homage to the great Yasiin Bey.