Semantic Web Usage

Originally posted as part of the CMPE58H course by Susan Üsküdarlı in the fall semester of 2022 at

I was reading the blog of “Denny” Vrandečić and came across a post, titled “Semantic Web patent” and dated 29 December 2006. In the short post, he talks about his discovery of the first patent for Semantic Web, which was filed by Amit Sheth et al. in 30 October 2001.

In the post, he also mentions that Tim Berners-Lee spoke of the need for semantics in the Web in 1994 but he did not mention the term semantic web specifically. Although the patent may have been filed by Amit Sheth et al., I found out that Sir Tim had written a draft titled “Semantic Web Road map” in 1998. It seems that the term already existed but filing a patent for the creation of a semantic web was to be left to somebody else. There is also a paper, published before the patent, which has the term “Semantic Web” in its title. A little search also reveals that Sir Tim has some articles published on Nature and Scientific American before the patent but in 2001.

Denny’s blog post had initially propelled me to write a post similar to his regarding the term “Social Web” but maybe next week.